Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 22 Bear Valley to Murphys, CA. 38.4 miles, 1280' climbing.

This was a big downhill day, from a bit over 7000' down to about 2000'.  The big attraction was Calaveras Big Trees State Park with its Giant Sequoias.  On the way there, we came upon a Scenic Vista and felt compelled to stop.

Somewhere at the bottom of the canyon barely visible in this photo is Hell's Kitchen.  Larry hiked down a bit to see it but returned to report that he went as close to the sloping precipice as he felt safe in his cycling shoes but couldn't see much.

This park has a very interesting story behind it.  For more click here and read the story about the stump of the "Discovery Tree" shown below.

 Giant Sequoias are remarkably thick all the way to the top, which can be over 300 feet high.  For more on the massive size of Giant Sequoias, see this story about The President, determined to be the most massive of the Giant Sequoias in North America. The President has been scientifically dated at over 3200 years old.

The trees often sprout next to each other and then grow together further up.

The root system is remarkable shallow (4-14' deep) but expansive.  Roots from one tree can stretch out over 300 feet from the trunk and can occupy up to an acre.  They break off close to the trunk when toppled, most often by wind.

This tree was stripped of its bark and died.

Young Sequoias now grow at Calaveras State Park, allowing us to see their leaf structure without using a huge zoom lens.

This tuning fork tree is used by the Giant Sequoias when they join together to sing arias from Verdi operas.  Unfortunately, they perform only when the park is vacant.

This one died from fire damage -- somewhat unusual as Giant Sequoias usually survive over 100 fires in their lifetimes.

I couldn't resist.  This fire victim still stands on its charred trunk with an unburned section at its top.

Today is an off day and tomorrow is our last riding day, into Yosemite Park.  

This has been an amazing adventure.  We've seen magnificent scenery, formed new friendships and strengthened others.  I am lucky to have shared this experience with an amazingly compatible group of exceptional people.  Thank you Alison for putting this trip together, picking great people to ride and party with, and leading us through 30 days of heaven, despite some hellish climbs!

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